All in-stock merchandise is shipped with FedEx 2-Day Business Insured. Please allow 1-2 business days to process your order. If the purchased item is not in stock, it may take up to 2-3 weeks for production. A full refund is available up to 14 days after purchase if this timeline is not suitable.
We want you to be completely happy with the items you order from us. If for any reason you are not satisfied with an item you purchase through the Site, you may return such item (accompanied by your sales receipt) within 14 days of the date on which the item was delivered to you and elect to: (i) exchange the item for another item available for purchase through the Site, (ii) receive a refund in the amount you paid for the item, or (iii) receive a merchandise credit in the amount you paid for the item that may be applied to your purchase of another item through the Site. A pre-paid shipping label will be provided for the merchandise.
If the returned item is damaged or has excessive wear, we may offer a lower refund dollar amount than the original purchase price.
If you return an item to us after such 14-day return period, but between 15 and 30 days of the date on which the item was delivered to you, you may still return the item and elect either to exchange the item for another item available for purchase through the Site or to receive a merchandise credit in the amount you paid for the item that may be applied to your purchase of another item through the Site.
All custom items are Final Sale.